How RDE adapted to survive COVID era 2020

27 December 2020

It was undoubtedly a difficult period for us. The last festival we organized was between of February / March Snowfest in Szczyrk. Since then, we have not organized a single festival, and it was this revenue that accounted for about 60% of our company's revenues. Therefore, our company's survival was determined by fixed costs vs new reduced revenues. As a small family business, we were able to keep costs to a minimum without disposing of the equipment. Our company was not burdened with loans or other obligations. During the lockdown, we rented equipment for Live broadcasts, TV commercials or for private use at DJ's home. In summer, the restrictions were loosened and during this period we managed to make up for some of the losses by supplying equipment to clubs, discos, restaurants, and several smaller outdoor events. We were prepared for another lockdown in November. Costs were at the lowest level and cash stocks were put aside after the summer period. The help from the FWK fund also came with support, where we received 50% compensation for the lost revenues from last year. We hope that the next year will bring serious loosening of the restrictions and we will slowly start to return to normal.

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